Priskila Adiasih(1*), Gunawan Tanuwidjaja(2),

(1) Faculty of Economy, Business Accounting Program, Petra Christian University , Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya 60236
(2) Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Architecture Department, Petra Christian University Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya 60236
(*) Corresponding Author


Family businesses (including the businesses in food sector) were the main player in Indonesia. Meanwhile, local food was very important because they were commonly consumed since several generations, made from food ingredients and spices available locally. Family business in traditional food of Surabaya such as: Black Soup (Rawon), Meatball (Bakwan), and Oxtail Soup (Sop Buntut), needed a good documentation. A program, with title of: “Capturing the Family Business Resilience in Traditional Food Sector in Surabaya”, was proposed to United Boards through UNDK (University Network of Digital [Local] Knowledge). And in the program a Service-Learning course, from Accounting Program Study named Business Information System (Sistem Informasi Bisnis), was delivered. The course was conducted in several family-owned restaurants selling traditional food. The lecturer and students succeeded creating the business-information-system as well as documenting them in the websites. The purpose of the course was to document the Family Business in traditional food sector in Surabaya, especially related to positive business principles and business model. The Depot Sari was located in Jalan Karet no 112, in the Surabaya Chinatown. The food stall was famous for the low-fat-tender-and-delicious oxtail soup. The Depot Sari’s customer was segmented, with high-income Surabaya residents or tourists. Meanwhile customization was the value proposition of stall, because the customer demanded a delicious but healthy oxtail soup. The channel selected by Depot Sari was to preserve original own store with excellent product. Furthermore, personal assistance was implemented treating the customers as close friends and caused customer loyalty. Key Resources of Depot Sari was the excellent food quality and personalized services. Therefore, The Depot Sari was found very interesting in the Family Business, in food sector, in Surabaya.

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